To Aid An_ Cage

2001-09-19 - 11:56 p.m.

I saw the best times of my life melt into red on the crystal box sitting in my living room.

I saw the past meet the future once again and understood it only as yesterday's news.

who wept openly infront of Letterman to appease the ghosts to come back and haunt the earth like we love them to.

who cried bloody murder and then returned to their inbox to read something funny.

who laughed uncaring at the nihilistic pathway descending infront of him only to tiptoe slowly down it when he thought noone was looking.

who burned sacred churches to the ground in the name of the weekend God for whom they fight.

who screamed it's name, AMERICA, into the blaze and prayed for it to sweep them up in it's veil of justice, which only hides it's hideous face.

who watched again and again as the leperous David threw two bright stones at the virgin Goliath, and cheered endlessly, again and again.

who second guessed who was right, but just decided to follow the crowd.

who dreamed madly of prophesies, and searched through endless volumes to find one that fit, only to later realise, after the message was sent, that in hindsight they all fit.

who pointed fingers madly to the east to poke at old scars and hope for some blood.

who played it safe and didn't pick a side only to wake one morning to the sounds of machine gun fire, war cries, and war crying on his doorstep.

who looked to the papers for help, but found only redirection.

who fell, bloated, with his pockets full of money down hundreds of stories, only to land in tomorrow's news as the poor soul who decided to take a chance.

who looked for business opportunities, as his faith fell from the sky.

who took a vacation to visit his factories, felt blessed, felt rewarded, but took a second helping at dinner, and four of his eleven year old workers died.

who pretended it wasn't happening.

who argued it was.

who rolled up his worry and smoked it all to himself, only to find it still inside him the next day.

who forgot it happened, and then remembered, but still didn't really care.

who felt cheated, because it had been his turn to make some money.

who failed it all.

who never understood it like he should have.

who voted the wrong way.


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