To Aid An_ Cage

2002-02-01 - 10:58 a.m.

I feel a little bad about not updating this as often as I picture myself updating it. I have been playing around with my new computer, so I have been away from my old one (with the internet access) for awhile. Everything is in order for me currently, and I don't see things going out of order ever. I am still quietly progressing through life and thought -- still living in my head as much as I can. I have had some incredible experiences of happiness recently. They come at odd times, like when I'm just sitting on the subway and all of a sudden I can't stop grinning. I like this stuff called life, but the glass isn't half anything anymore. I just picked up the stupid thing and drank it. If you are still staring at a half glass anything, try picking it up and taking a sip. It tastes delicious.

all the new things I have felt and remembered as if I could remember something new as if new was something you could look back upon and say "I could have been new then, or then" but I am new and so are you who dissolve past my depth of field and flitter out of frame to dance in truth and I know you or I knew you or you are new to me or me to you who can say who is new accept the sayer and I speak very quietly now so only my ears can hear me and they laugh and giggle at my puns and other goofs and I talk very softly now and I whisper to myself and I sleep to myself as I can only think for myself and not for you new one you can think for yourself and not for anyone else you can think and talk and choose and learn and live for yourself as who else would you live for?

PEACE - Tristan

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