To Aid An_ Cage

2002-03-26 - 6:52 p.m.

I had forgotten you and left you crying in my dream awoken from late in the day when I thought it would hurt less but I bled that night through the sheets and awoke feeling cleansed and refreshed and oh so tired yet awake and feeling again like I did when we were together and alive together not apart as if art could end.

Late in the day mid-day sun stretched over my pessimism and containing it till you arrived or I ventured towards togetherness and found you painting over the greys with beautiful colours blacks and whites and the canvas stretched beyond itself again and now we paint together to kill time or birth it in the unity of our dualism.

do bop do we do bop bop dwoo-oh oh we do...

We do little else than continue to do and that does little else than satisfy my hunger for happiness.

We have returned or are constantly turning towards the return of ourselves to each other it is and can only be the bright and undeniable consequence of being, and I love it, or at least that is my intention to intend. I peace it and piece it together for my own puzzle lovers who call me their own puzzle lover.

I can continue in no other way than my own continuity can allow. I roam free.

PEACE - Tristan

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