To Aid An_ Cage

2003-07-25 - 10:03 a.m.

as if it were new or I hadn't known of it, but I remember it deeper inside where it is impossible to forget and when it came back thumping and thrushing through my body I knew it as a memory and a faint one to grow from as feelings do so and so do the thoughts and the bonds defined perpetually through actions of each other only to discover this wave and crushing crush force that tears and may tear me from heart to heart and back again but it feels so good and so damn good as if realness could come from the illusions of the self or the shades of the mind were come jumping from the tide. She. and only circumstance can describe if I tried it would stumble and only lose focus so I'm left to talk around it and never to it or always through it and never worked through so I'll just float away and hope away and wait for the time to leave but hold small gifts of the heart and memories worth more than the means they were acquired with this river is a rocky one, but the current is strong and will pull me through safely to the sides of mind I understand and the heart has made an appearance finally and was applauded but now moves to leave stage left and do I move for the stage or run for the stage door to talk to my heart or my audience. These times are quietly passing and in their passing do appear the ghosts of feelings long gone down and mixed with the earth and idea of decay to be reborn and hotter and with fire like never.

PEACE - Tristan

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