To Aid An_ Cage

2004-04-23 - 12:18 a.m.

the art show dart blows the wind across the back of the pole slowly kissing the feathered end and shooting the point from the joint to the mark in the dark where all the troubles flow.

it eases to please but never to decieve so the way goes and toes lines from which I pirch upon bended knees from apple trees where a man once hung or released his dung to tongue the sun.

somewhere in one way a river knows and notes the growth of rapid slows and shoes made wet with winter tears and summer sometime slumber fears.

so now I lay me down to rest and hope the best for every pest and dance a quick wet fingered wisp remembered earlier a whip no quip could better but disguise this spring-like fragrance 'round your eyes.

PEACE - Tristan

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