To Aid An_ Cage

2006-08-20 - 2:57 p.m.

Landed in St. John's and am set up in the hostel on Duckworth street. Owner said he has a place to show me near the school for possible rent, though he quoted four fifty all inclusive. I'll take a look tomorrow but need to look at other places, and wether or not I would rather live downtown or close to school and mall. It's good to be landed and in the process of dealing with the coming changes. I realised when I landed just what I had said goodbye to in Toronto, though I realised in words when I told Jonny what life had become back there: Coasting, and knowing the maze. It was more though, with the human side intact. All my friends and feelings. I had nothing to do there, with the cheques coming in the mail, and the lease up. It is better to fly out to a new path and just walk it. I have yet to explore. I have set up on a bunk that I am going to move down from, and I am holding my bowels from the flight still. I was hoping my mom would be online, so I could tell her I landed safely, but I will need to make a phone call to do that it seems. It was nice to have her and my aunt Janice at the airport to send me off. I am glad it wasn't a big farewell with lots of faces and hands in the air. I better get back into reality now.

PEACE - Tristan

It's strange to be here alone. It's strange to walk the streets and wander and think and look in silence. It was a minute before I realised I was looking at the ocean because I was almost waiting for someone else to say 'wow, it's the ocean,' so I would know to look and be impressed. Maybe it is just the mass on my mind. I have lots to think of, and lots to worry and wander. Maybe my head is just not in wonder mode. It was strange to walk into the Quizno's to get a sandwhich, for one because I really hate Quizno's and would never think to go in for a meal in any other day, and two because of how strange I felt to order the sandwhich, like I couldn't place myself enough to do it normally (my whole awkward persona bubbling through the transaction). I saw a pleasing vegetarian restaurant called 'the Sprout,' or something. I'll try it before the week is through and report. I'm going to cross to the Timmy's for a tea. LATE

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