To Aid An_ Cage

2006-10-07 - 4:01 p.m.

state of impatience
Depression is settling in, though I fight it. It is a lack of real socialising--more than smiles and well put conversations between acquaintances, but the actual stuff that starts out light and deepens between people as they become friends: Tears and expressions of true camaraderie. I think it is just utter loneliness, and an apathetic dissmisal of things too distant to be a source of real warmth. I biked up to Canadian Tire today to buy a window insulation kit--one of those plastic sheets that you cover the window with and stick to double sided tape before smoothing with a hair dryer. It is going to be a long winter for me.
I ended up buying more. It is sad to see that spending money really is an accesory to sadness, as is smoking. A temporary feeling of success and gladness that fleets too quickly. Not the Buddha's way. In any case, I bought a set of four dishes to use, instead of the motley bunch of left overs from previous tenants. I bought a couple cheap glasses (they have a Coke logo on them, and at first I was going to get these Debbie Travis ones, but fuck her (fuck Coke too, but cheap seemed better for something I am going to leave behind)), and a slotted spoon. Canadian Tire always makes me feel a little uneasy, probably from that time Liam and I got into a screaming match with the managers of the one in Markham. Balls.
I had to come back to the University to upload my finished Philosophy paper on Hobbes, or his section of the book we are using in the class. It is a commentary, but the prof doesn't want it. He handed us an assignment and then told us he wasn't going to grade it. We did a peer review exchange in class, which was a waste of time, and now we have to take our commentary and shrink it so that we hand in a critical paper on the same material. I don't know where the marks will come from, cause we havn't been marked on anything yet, and I wish I could get a mark for this, cause I figure it is a high B or low A. In any case, skim through it here...(this is a link!)

Going out to the funk show last weekend was fun, but I wish I had talked to that girl. I saw her in the Science building on the Monday, but I was heading to a class. Now I don't really remember what she looked like. I thought I saw her when I was doing a bit of postering for some film showing. I smiled and she smiled, but we were walking in opposite directions.
I got a B on my English paper, which is good. I seemed to have left out a thesis! Oh well, it was a good paper. It wouldn't have been so bad if not for the horrifying speech the prof gave just before she handed them back. She kept iterating that the first paper was not the end of the world, and that we shouldn't be discouraged by a low mark. It was obvious that she felt terrible about marking them. I found out how hard it can be in my peer reviewing of the philosophy paper. You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but you have to break it to them that they are wrong, and that is so difficult, especially considering Hobbes' views on human nature.
I am dirty and smelly. I am in the QEII Library because I wanted to get my essay in my e_mail account so I could do some work on it at home, and now I am typing this. I miss my friends. I am going to go to the theatre production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat tonight. I hope it is better than the JC Superstar I saw, which had no movement or rhythm.
It is a long weekend, and I am going to find a trail to hike on Monday. I'm going to pack a lunch and bike over to the other side of the bay and hike through the beauty--taking pictures and enjoying it. I am glad I live where I do, close to the bay, because everywhere else just looks like Scarborough without all the familiarity. I am going to try to get to Halifax for Halloween. J L has invited me, and I can think of no better way to get away.

PEACE - Tristan

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