To Aid An_ Cage

2003-01-16 - 1:02 p.m.

You have entered me.

I only have a couple things to tell. Last night I went to see Adaptation--the new Spike Jonsomething film with Nic Cage. It was a great film that really pushed the envelope yadaya, there were some brilliant movements in script and direction through the first and first half of the second act. It kind of seemed to drift through the end of the second and third act, but still remained a landmark work yadayada. I didn't come here to tell of my critique--though Cage was brilliant and in retrospect everything works absolutely well...

I'll just force myself to stop with this paragraph. What I wanted to tell about was the way we got into the film. I am a scammer and my friends are encouraged by me as I am encouraged by them. So if Likum, GoughVan, and I decide to see a movie, we have no intention of paying for it. We are also all three of us pot heads.

We picked up and drove to the theatre at Kennedy Commons. Likum rolled, we exited and lit up and walked to the entrance. We parked ourselves out of the way in a doorway off to the side and smoked smoked smoked. Likum went to check out the scene at the entrance. If it was busy we would have no problem walking in through the exit and straight into the theatre. It was dead. Likum came back and told us so. While he had gone, and Senior had the jay. I pulled out a card I use to open doors at my school. One of those cards you have to slip through a sensor to unlock the door. I looked at the door we were standing by. GoughVan looked at the door. I slipped the card in above the three bolts, worked it down till it was passed the first bolt, then second, then third. I looked at Senior, he looked at me. I reached up to open the door by grabbing the top lip and pulling out towards me...'COPS!'...pull card out of door and fumble with my wallet while the white and blue and red car drives by. Holy shit. That was close. Likum came back from his scouting mission and told us it was too dead to go in and there were two employees standing at the entrance. We told him of our discovery. We decided to try the doors around back. I smoked the j for a bit while we walked around back. We tried all the doors along the first side and none of them worked. The middle bolt on the theatre doors was not like the top and bottom. We couldn't get in that way, and we were a little put off by the sight of cops around front. In any case, as the joint went out, we looked at each others stoned faces and decided to give it a solid try with me openning the door with my card and the two of them acting as look outs. We walked back to our primary position. I slipped the card through one, two, three. 'WAIT!' There are too many people! I looked back and saw a few cars driving around the huge lot. We waited for them to pass, then...Likum grabbed the top edge of the door, I grabbed my card, and we pulled together. The door swung open into a deserted hallway of the movie theatre. We had thought it would have gone into an employee area and we would have to run through the corridors till we found our way out, but it just openned into the hallways of the theaters. We rushed in and found our theatre and sat down to enjoy. And enjoy we did. It was a great movie. I'd even sneak in again.

The only other thing I wanted to talk about but can't really get into it after going through that whole story, is some thoughts on sustainability. I'd like to make a documentary showing our relationships to a number of different animal species in as much as our likenesses as far as behavior, and natural state. Then, once that is developed. Bring in the concepts of disease and viruses and other natural actions that we fight against, and reiterate the concept that being a sustainable species means haveing these things kill us. Then I'd like to get into how we need to change our concepts of death and how we need to allow ourselves to die naturally in order to sustain ourselves and our world as a single cycle of rebirth and renewal. Then illustrate how if we allow ourselves back into the mercy of natures care, we will drop down in size as a species and redevelop natural immunities to the epidemics in our areas. I guess I'll need to clarify it a lot more and put much more time into the thought of it. Still a bomb time last night.

PEACE - Tristan

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